Honkai: Star Rail Fu Xuan Build Guide
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Honkai: Star Rail Fu Xuan Build Guide

In thisย Honkai Star Rail Fu Xuan Build Guideย weโ€™re going to be covering theย Defensive Support Fu Xuanย Build. She’s a massive source of damage reduction, as well as healing, and Crit Rate buffing. On top of that, she is deals Quantum-type damage, making her a perfect fit for an all-mono-element team with Silver Wolf. This build focuses on using Fu Xuan as a solo sustain unit, to keep the teammates alive, as well as buffing them.

Honkai: Star Rail Fu Xuan Build Guide

As a five-star limited character from Preservation Path, Fu Xuan finds a lot of competition. That comes from both, free and standard banner characters such as Gepard, March 7th, and the Fire Trailblazer. Healers such as Bailu, Lynx, Natasha, and Luocha also compete in the same defensive slot. So the decision to pull for Fu Xuan depends mainly on how well she does compared to all of them.

Top Reasons to Use Fu Xuan

To be frank, Fu Xuan is the best defensive option in most situations. As she absorbs 65% of damage taken by allies, gives a team-wide damage reduction buff, and Effect Resistance. She also heals the entire team with Ultimate, and auto heals herself. In addition to that, Fu Xuan grants the team Crit Rate and HP buff to boot.

Her Ultimate cost is low and easy to recharge, resulting in a very good uptime. She’s also not very heavy on Skill Point consumption, as the buff from her skill lasts for three turns.

Fu Xuan’s own damage and healing rely on HP, unlike all Preservation characters who scale with Def. Her HP buff scales with her own Max HP, so Fu Xuan is a good buffer for Blade, giving him more survivability and damage. Fu Xuan is also a good pair with any mono-element team, as her Quantum is the same element as Silver Wolf. That way, she doesn’t interfere with Silver Wolf applying either Quantum or the main DPS element.

Fu Xuan Compared to Defensive Characters

In terms of playing as a solo sustain, Fu Xuan is extremely competitive. That’s even true in comparison to Luocha, in a mono Imaginary team, whose absolute top tier is his very own niche. She can pair with Imaginary damage dealers, and replace Luocha.

The only place where Fu Xuan’s healing and damage reduction might fall short is with Blade, who consumes his own HP down to 1 HP. This is much harder to sustain without a strong single target heal or a shield. So you might want to use her with another defensive character or play cautiously. Otherwise, Fu Xuan is a very good companion for Blade of her HP buff,

Aside from Luocha, Fu Xuan beats every other defensive character, and sustains the team much better. All while providing an offensive buff to increase team damage as well.

Fu Xuan Actual Damage Mitigation

To give you an idea of how much healing Fu Xuan does to the team, at 7k HP, she heals for 531 HP. At 9k, she heals for 641. However, take into consideration she receives 65% of the damage taken by the team and adds an 18% damage reduction on top. So a 3k hit would result in a one-shot. Any glass cannon DPS will go through these reductions:

  • Fu Xuan will take 1950 damage from base 3000, and reduce it by her own damage mitigation.
  • The remaining 1050 hits are reduced by 18% more, dealing only 840 damage.
  • Fu Xuan heals for 500~600 HP, leaving only ~300 HP unhealed, 10% of character HP.

So instead of dying in one hit with say Luocha as solo sustain, a character in the Fu Xuan’s team needs to take around 4 hits of full one-shot damage to actually die. But with her healing, they may take up to 10 hits.

In other words, a character with 3000 HP, will need over 10000 damage in a single instance to kill them. Having Fu Xuan healing, they can take much more damage over several turns!

Honkai Star Rail Fu Xuan Build Guide โ€“ Active Skills

Skill leveling Priority: Talent > Skill > Ultimate >> Basic Attack.

Novaburst – Normal Attack

Unlike most characters, the damage of Fu Xuan’s normal attack scales directly with the HP stat. She doesn’t use Attack stat at all, and this helps her if she’s made into a sub-damage dealer. However, even with DPS build, Fu Xuan normal attack doesn’t have anything special and attacks a single target only.

So it’s not the focus of either of her builds, and we give it the least priority.

Known by Stars, Shown by Hearts – Skill

Fu Xuan signature defensive utility, grants no shield, but instead, enables Fu Xuan to take damage for the team. A fixed portion (65%) of damage taken by allies is transferred to Fu Xuan. Then this damage is mitigated further by her defenses and damage reduction.

On top of that, all teams get a Crit Rate buff, and Max HP buff based on Fu Xuan’s Max HP. These buffs increase both damage and even enhance survivability further.

The Skill lasts for three turns, and is disabled only after the duration runs out, or when Fu Xuan is defeated. This duration allows Fu Xuan to play as SP positive character, casting one skill, and three normal attacks. The result is (+2 SP) every 4 turns, so she can pair with an SP negative support and/or DPS to allow them more skill casts.

Woes of Many Morphed to One – Ultimate

At 135 energy cost, Fu Xuan deals damage in true AOE, hitting all enemies. The damage of her Ultimate scales with Max HP, and it’s not as potent as proper damage dealers. However, the main use for Ultimate is adding one charge to her talent, which is her self-heal. So she’s able to sustain herself by proccing talent after Ultimate.

This effectively makes fast recharging of Ultimate an easy way to heal Fu Xuan. As well as dealing damage.

Her A4 allow Fu Xuan to heal the team when using Ultimate. And while it’s a small heal, with how little damage the team takes, the heal becomes enough sustain.

Recharging Energy for Fu Xuan

The energy cost is high, but Fu Xuan can refund it very easily if she uses her skills. By default, her skill refunds 30 energy, and with her A2, it refunds 20 more if you cast the skill before its duration runs out. So two casts of skill refund 100 energy, in addition to 5 from Ultimate. So If Fu Xuan has 29% energy Reg stat, she can use Ultimate every two turns.

Using a five-star energy Reg Rope grants 19%, and Fu Xuan can get the extra 10% from either her signature Light Cone or “Post-Op Conversation”. There are other Light Cones that grant flat energy, which can also maintain two turns Ultimate. These are, “Shared Feeling” at S5, or “Quid Pro Quo” at S2 or higher.

But note that using two turns rotation makes Fu Xuan SP-negative, and reduces the chance for her team to use skills. So use only if you need the extra survivability.

Bleak Breeds Bliss – Talent

As long as Fu Xuan exist on the field, all team takes less damage from all sources. The value goes up to 18% damage reduction at max level. That, with Fu Xuan taking most of the damage on herself, it team’s survivability skyrocketed.

Fu Xuan’s talent also heals herself, when HP drops below 50%. At the start of the battle, she is in charge of the self-healing, then gains another charge with every Ultimate use. The heal goes up to 90% of Fu Xuan’s missing HP, which is not enough to restore her to the max. So she needs a source of healing bonus to get herself the 10% missing HP.

Using an outgoing healing bonus main stat on the body piece is an option, but its value is overkill. So the easiest solution is to use two pieces of Passerby of Wandering Cloud Set, which gives exactly 10% outgoing healing. This enables Fu Xuan to use HP body pieces normally, for more team heal, HP buff, and general tankiness.

Of Fortune Comes Fate – Technique

The Technique simply enable Fu Xuan to start a battle with a free skill, lasting for two turns. That’s a nice bonus to start with, that saves SP, and allows Fu Xuan to use normal attack to generate SP instead.

Outside of combat, it’s a way to prevent enemies from ambushing you, as it prevents enemies from initiating combat.

Honkai Star Rail Fu Xuan Build Guide โ€“ Traces

Traces are passive skills that characters unlock after reaching certain ascension levels. For this Honkai: Star Rail Fu Xuan Build, you have to farm and spend resources to unlock Traces, but they give a huge advantage to Fu XUan. As a Preservation defensive character, she should prioritize all major Traces. All of them are very crucial in making her and her team survive, as I will explain below. For minor Traces, she also cares about some of them, mainly HP. Meanwhile, Effect Res is a nice addition, but Crit Rate doesn’t add much to Fu Xuan at E0

Taiyi, the Macrocosmic โ€“ Ascension 2

While her skill is active, she generates an extra 20 energy when casting skill again. It enables Fu Xuan to do a two turn Ultimate at the cost of going SP-negative.

This is very useful under very high stress from aggressive enemies. Fu Xuan will be spamming her Ultimate, healing the entire team, and renewing her self-healing. So nothing will take her by surprise.

If you go SP-positive though and cast skill only when the duration ends, this Trace does nothing.

Dunjia, the Metamystic โ€“ Ascension 4

The team healing which Fu Xuan performs when casting Ultimate. The heal is equal to 5% of Fu Xuan’s own Max HP, plus a flat amount. This might not seem like much, but considering how little damage the team may take with Fu Xuan around, it’s decent enough sustain.

To fully benefit from this Trace, Fu Xuan needs a good investment in her own Max HP stat. So if you tried Fu Xuan and your team couldn’t make it, don’t be hasty to judge. Wait until you fully invest in Fu Xuan to see the difference.

Liuren, the Sexagenary โ€“ Ascension 6

This Trace has quite a long description, but what it does basically is allow the entire team to resist debuffs once per skill use. It’s very beneficial against enemies with AOE DOTs, as it totally negates the effect. But it puts pressure on SP, as Fu Xuan needs to spam her skill more often to renew the immunity.

Minor Traces

Fu Xuan gets ten minor stats increases, distributed as the following:

  • HP (five nodes)
  • Crit Rate (three nodes)
  • Effect Res (two nodes)

These are all very similar to Blade traces, though Fu Xuan doesn’t get all benefits of them as Blade does. She should focus on HP, and Effect Res. While Crit Rate is not a desired stat unless you have extra resources you don’t know what to do with them.

Fu Xuan – Light Cones

For this Honkai: Star Rail Fu Xuan Build, gear is a crucial part, and Light Cone is a major part of gearing. Fu Xuan scales with HP stat, so she cares about a Light Cone with high HP, and damage mitigation. She also prefers generic defensive stats, such as Def, and Energy Reg to regain her Ultimate faster.

Fu Xuan is of the โ€œPreservationโ€ Path, and among Light Cones of this path, there are a lot of very strong defensive options that are worth using.

For Fu Xuan, I don’t recommend going for any of the three stars, as they give very low HP. The same could be said about “We Are Wildfire”, which is a free Light cone from the Hall of Memories shop but has the lowest HP among all four stars.

Day One of My New Life – Four Stars

This light cone has a high base HP, grants a % Def bonus to Fu Xuan, and gives all allies Damage Res. It’s a good starting point if you don’t have enough Herta Bonds to buy Preservation Light Cone from Herta Shop.

The Def allows Fu Xuan to take more damage for the team and require less healing. The Resist stacks with Fu Xuan Damage reduction buff, decreasing damage taken by the entire team. These bonuses are permanent and need no conditions to be met.

Higher Superimposition is highly beneficial, as it increases both Def and Damage Res. However, this is a light cone from gacha, so getting more copies will usually take longer.

Landau’s Choice – Four Stars

With a similar HP to Day One of My New Life, this Light Cone has a similar performance. It has a higher damage-taken reduction buff for Fu Xuan, but no buff for the team. This is not an issue, since Landau’s Choice gives the wearer more aggro, causing enemies to target Fu Xuan more than not.

It’s the better choice, as long as your team members don’t want to get hit. Because characters such as Clara and Blade need enemies to hit them in order to increase their damage. So the taunt in Landau’s Choice is not desired.

Texture of Memories – Five Stars

The Light Cone from Herta’s Shop is ideal for Fu Xuan, as it has a high base HP stat, and dual-purpose passive. The passive checks every time Fu Xuan is hit, if she doesn’t have a shield, she grants her an HP-scaling shield. If she has a shield, she gets a high damage reduction.

The other part of the passive is the Effect Res buff. This helps her avoid control effects, and DOTs. It also helps Fu Xuan meet the requirement for triggering the bonus of the Broken Keel Set.

You can easily get Max Superimposition on Texture of Memories, especially if you prioritize getting it before other options in the shop. So the effectiveness of the buffs becomes very potent, and Fu Xuan can survive a lot of hammering from enemies. In this Star Rail Fu Xuan build guide, this light cone is the recommended choice.

She Already Shut Her Eyes – Limited Five Stars

The signature light cone of Fu Xuan costs either real money or hard-earned Stellar Jades. In either case, you give up a potential limited five-star character to get an upgrade on the Fu Xuan light cone. Always remember that Texture of Memories is free, and a very competitive option.

The light cone here has everything though, higher Base HP, % HP, Energy Reg, Damage buff to team, and a heal. So it’s on the better side of limited Light Cones. If you have spare jades and have to choose one light cone, “She Already Shut Her Eyes” is a good pick.

Honkai Star Rail Fu Xuan Guide โ€“ Stats & Relics

In this Honkai: Star Rail Fu Xuan Guide weโ€™ll cover all four Relics slots: Head, Gloves, Body, and Feet. As well as the two accessories slots, Sphere and Rope. Head always comes with a Flat HP main stat, and Gloves comes with a Flat Attack main stat. Then Body, Feet, Sphere, and Rope come with random stats. So gearing the Head and Gloves will lean more towards finding the best sub-stats, while the other four have to also roll a desired main stat.

For Fu Xuan, we prioritize the โ€œHPโ€ main stat on all pieces, as both her survivability and healing scale with it. You should use HP on the Body and Sphere. On Feet, either HP or Speed, and Rope either HP or Energy Reg. While on sub-stats, we need HP, Def, and Speed.

I recommend aiming for 7k HP, and 1.5~1.6k Def, if you are using Texture of Memories or Landu’s Choice. So if you can get this without using HP on Rope and Feet, feel free to go Speed and Energy. Otherwise, you have to make compromises.

Guard of Wuthering Snow โ€“ Relic Set

Before Fu Xuan release, this Relic Set was a dead weight, with no character using it optimally. However, it’s one of the good choices for Fu Xuan. The two-piece bonus reduces damage taken and stacks with a similar buff from her talent and her light cone. The four-piece bonus helps heal Fu Xuan and generate energy.

The caveat of this set is how it heals only when under 50% HP. That’s the same condition as Fu Xuan’s talent, while the talent proc outside of turn. The set bonus procs at the beginning of the wearer’s turn, so the talent will proc first, leaving nothing for the set to heal. The talent doesn’t have a cooldown, but it requires an Ultimate to charge. So in rare occasions, when enemies deal a lot of damage in every turn, the set bonus will proc.

It’s overall one of the better choices, but not the best. I have other recommendations that can be more beneficial.

2x Guard of Wuthering Snow + 2x Longevous Disciple โ€“ Relic Set

Hybrid is always the get-go choice for newer players and F2P players. Also, those who build a lot of characters and want to gear them all, so they don’t have a lot of Trailblazer Power to spare. Hybrid sets tend to have better sub-stats, because you get to pick the best two pieces from each set. It also comes much faster than farming for a full 4 pieces set.

In Fu Xuan’s case, going Hybrid also give better main stats. Instead of an occasional heal once in a while from 4 four-piece Guard of Wuthering Snow set, we get a solid 12% HP from the Longevous Disciple 2-piece set. I consider this a win, and it’s my recommended choice.

2x Messenger Traversing Hackerspace + 2x Longevous Disciple โ€“ Relic Set

Instead of taking damage reduction, we pick up 6% Speed, which translates into 6 flat speeds on Fu Xuan. This bonus could be all you need to reach a certain threshold on speed. The recommended speed goal to aim for is 121 or 134, and if you are close to either, you can just get more turns by using Messenger Traversing Hackerspace.

This is especially useful if you can hit 121 speed without Speed Feet. This allows Fu Xuan to switch to HP Feet, and gain a massive HP bonus. It’s situational, but very strong in these situations.

2x Passerby of Wandering Cloud + 2x Longevous Disciple โ€“ Relic Set

Another alternative that focuses on healing Fu Xuan to Max HP is Passerby of Wandering Cloud. It gives a 10% Healing bonus, which is what Fu Xuan needs to maximise the self-heal from her talent. At max level, the heal is only 90% of the HP Fu Xuan lost. In very long fights, this might be an issue, because Fu Xuan’s HP will keep degrading over time.

It’s a nice quality-of-life feature as it also increases the healing of the team. But also consider that Fu Xuan is not a full healer, and she gains a bit more from damage reduction. So it’s an option, if you don’t want to farm new pieces.

Fleet of the Ageless – Planetary Ornament

Fleet of the Ageless is the standard support accessory set, that buffs the Attack of the entire team. It also gives an HP bonus to the wearer, which is a perfect match for Fu Xuan herself.

However, not all teams require an Attack buff. Some damage dealers such as Blade and Jingliu scale with HP instead. While other gain more value from a Crit buff. On top of that, the bonus itself doesn’t proc until you meet the 120-speed requirement. So during farming, and up to the point you get 120 speed, you will not get a team buff at all. This is a downside if your Fu Xuan doesn’t use Speed Feet.

The HP buff makes up for these caveats most of the time, but there are other options if you prefer.

Broken Keel – Planetary Ornament

This set increases Effect Res of the wearer, and the Crit Damage of the entire team. The much easier to meet, Broken Keel requires only 30% Effect Res, and provides 10% of that. Fu Xuan gets another 10% Effect Res from traces, so she needs only 10% more. This can be gained either from Light Cone, or sub-stats.

Texture of Memory covers all Effect Res needs from S2 and above, so using it will eliminate the need for any Effect Res from sub-stats. So Fu Xuan will provide the Crit Damage buff to the whole team. It’s a good alternative for all damage dealers unless you are using a DoT team.

Honkai: Star Rail Fu Xuan Build guide โ€“ Team Composition

As a defensive support, Fu Xuan is flexible and finds a spot in most teams. Her Quantum element also helps with this, because she matches Silver Wolf’s element, which can support mono-element teams. So she’s not only a good defensive choice, but oftentimes the ideal choice.

Fu Xuan works fine as a solo sustain unit, which is a suitable choice for Memory of Chaos teams. She works with a dual defensive setup in Simulated Universe Swarm Disaster as well. As pairing Fu Xuan’s damage reduction with a dedicated healer or shielder makes an immortal team. Even the hardest content in the game (final boss in Swarm Difficulty 5) finds a hard time doing anything to such a team.

In the next section, I’ll go through an example team for Fu Xuan. However, it’s not the only way to make a team composition for her. Her usage is much broader than that.

Main DPS from Any Path

Fu Xuan is not picky when it comes to which DPS to pair with. Her buffs are generic offensive stat such as Crit Rate, and damage reduction as a defensive buff. The current roster of main and sub-damage dealers all rely on Crit stats to deal damage, so they all fit the criteria.

Blade gets slightly more benefit from HP buff from Fu Xuan. But at the same time, Fu Xuan healing is too low, and Blade drains his own HP, down to 1 HP. So Fu Xuan might have a hard time sustaining him alone, and the team has to rely on dispatching enemies quickly before they do any serious damage that can kill low HP Blade.

Besides Blade, You can use any Erudition, Hunt, Nihility or Destruction path character. Whether it’s a hyper carry or dual DPS team, Fu Xuan will do just fine.

Clara is one character that is pretty lacking in Crit Rate stat, and Fu Xuan buff helps with that. At the same time, Clara benefits from damage reduction, as she takes more hits than usual from enemies.

An offensive support from Harmony/Nihility Path

The suitable support here follows the main DPS, as Fu Xuan herself doesn’t put restrictions on support slots. Naturally, Silver Wolf is the best pair for Fu Xuan, due to the matching Quantum element. However, if the main DPS prefers Bronya or Tingyun. Or any of the other characters will work fine in their place.

Fu Xuan can play both as either SP-negative or SP-positive, so she adapts her style depending on whether the support needs more or less Skill Points.

A secondary Offensive Support or Secondary DPS

Since Fu Xuan solo sustains most teams, we have the 4th slot open for more direct damage or damage buffs. So in the case of Blade or Clara, they use less SP, so you can use a sub DPS comfortably. An AOE sub DPS is good for this slot, to clear smaller enemies left from main DPS attacks.

In the case of Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae who consumes more SP, you can use SP-positive supports like Pela, or Silver Wolf.

Final Tips

Fu Xuan is the peak of defensive supports, I rank her as SS+ in Honkai Star Rail Tier List โ€“ Defensive Supports. She’s on the same par as Luocha, or slightly better in certain situations. However, she’s more SP-hungry than Luocha in stressful situations, where enemies are very aggressive.

If you want to keep two turns of an Ultimate rotation, she uses more SP than even March 7th. Otherwise, Fu Xuan has less self and team healing. This is not bad in most cases, but it needs a high DPS team to remove enemies quicker and reduce stress on the team.

The Ultimate of Fu Xuan helps break enemies weak to Quantum in AOE. This is similar to the Imaginary break to Luocha’s Ultimate and slightly lower than March 7th’s Ice Break. So in a Mono Imaginary or Mono Ice team, Fu Xuan can replace Luocha and March 7th respectively. That will be much easier when Jingliu releases in v1.4, as she’s an Ice DPS that doesn’t need a shielder like Yanqing.

Fu Xuan’s healing is also equal among all teammates. So in Simulated Universe, taking the blessing that spreads damage taken equally on all teams is ideal. It makes the run much smoother, and you will make it out with barely a scratch from the enemy.

Stay tuned forย moreย Honkai: Star Rail Guides. For more Honkai: Star Rail content, check our Honkai: Star Rail Imbibitor Lunae Build Guide, and Honkai Star Rail Guide: Best Light Cones To Buy

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