Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road – Introduction to Scribing
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Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road – Introduction to Scribing

In this comprehensive Elder Scrolls Online guide, I’ll show you how to Scribe. Scribing is a new system, introduced in the recently released Gold Road expansion that allows you to customize your skills. Though it’s not comparable to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion’s intricate Spellcrafting system, acting more like a precursor to it, it offers a very promising glimpse into upcoming updates on the system

How to Access Scribing

To gain access, you’ll first need to:

  • Have the Gold Road expansion
  • Be at least level 30 to begin the questline to unlock Scribing
  • Alternatively, you can also begin the questline to unlock Scribing if you have access to the Champion System

To begin Scribing, you must first complete the quest “The Second Era of Scribing,” which grants access to the Scribing Altar, along with the initial Grimoire and Scripts needed to create your first skill. Afterward, to unlock full access to scribing and additional Grimoires, have one of your characters complete the quest “The Wing of the Indrik.”

Components of Scribing

Before you get into Scribing, you’ll first need to know about the basic components required for Scribing.


Grimoires are essential for creating scribed skills. After purchasing a Grimoire, you can use it to permanently unlock a new skill for that character in the relevant skill line. Grimoires can be bought with gold from Chronicler Firandil in the Scholarium once you’ve completed the quest “The Wing of the Indrik.” Additionally, you must complete specific achievements related to the skill line associated with the Grimoire to purchase them.

Once a Grimoire has been acquired by a character, other characters on your account can purchase it from Chronicler Firandil in the Scholarium at a reduced price. It usually costs 50,000 gold to purchase them initially, with it being 10,000 when purchased by another character from your account.


Each Script contains a unique effect that you can apply to create a scribed skill. Scripts can be obtained through various methods, including the Scribing questline, daily quest rewards, or purchasing from the Scholarium and Infinite Archive Vendors. Once you have a Script in your inventory, you can consume it to permanently unlock its effect at the Scribing Altar for that character.

There are three different types of Scripts which are unlocked by doing the Luminary Wings questlines that serve different roles and effects on the skills you are scribing.

  • Focus Scripts define the main function of a scribed skill. They can alter the type of damage the skill inflicts and determine whether the ability targets enemies or allies. Additionally, Focus Scripts specify the resource cost of the ability, whether it requires Magicka or Stamina. These can be unlocked by completing the “Wing of the Gryphon” quest in the Scholarium
  • Signature Scripts enhance the effects of Focus Scripts, trigger unique interactions with existing mechanics, or add secondary attributes to the scribed skill. These can be unlocked by completing the “Wing of the Dragon” quest in the Scholarium.
  • Affix Scripts add buffs or debuffs to the scribed skill, depending on the targets affected by the resulting skill. These can be unlocked by completing the “Wing of the Netch” quest in the Scholarium.

Keep in mind that not all Scripts can be applied to every Grimoire, and even compatible Scripts may not work well together. You’ll need to experiment to achieve the desired effects for your scribed skills.

As for where you can get these scripts,

  • For Focus Scripts, you can get them after completing the “Wing of the Gryphon” in your daily Delve quests, Mages Guild quests, and PvP Rewards for the Worthy.
  • For Signature Scripts, you can get them after completing the “Wing of the Dragon” by tackling daily World Boss quests, Cyrodiil quests, and Fighters Guild quests.
  • For Affix Scripts you can get them after completing the “Wing of the Netch” through daily World Event quests, Imperial City quests, and Undaunted quests.

After completing the quest “The Wing of the Dragon,” Archmagister Vanus Galerion will make several useful Scripts called “Subsidized Scripts” available in Mages Guild halls.

You can find these Scripts at Mages Guild Halls in these cities:

  • Vulkhel Guard
  • Davon’s Watch
  • Daggerfall
  • Wayrest
  • Elden Root
  • Mournhold
  • Riften
  • Evermore
  • Rawl’kha

You can also get Scripts by purchasing them from Chronicler Firandil in the Scholarium and Filer Ool in the Infinite Archive, they both rotate their stock each week, so make sure to check them for new Scripts weekly. Once you unlock a Script on a character, other characters on your account can purchase that script at a discounted price.

Luminous Ink

To complete the Scribing process and infuse magic into your chosen Grimoire and Scripts, you’ll need Luminous Ink. Each adjustment or addition to a Scribed Skill consumes one Luminous Ink. Think of it as some form of currency needed for Scribing.

Once you’ve finished the quest “The Wing of the Indrik,” Luminous Ink will rarely drop from defeated enemies. Similarly, upon completing the quest “The Wing of the Netch,” Luminous Ink will rarely appear while harvesting crafting materials.

You can also get three Luminous Inks when you complete a quest from the Luminary Wings questline (Indrik, Gryphon, Dragon, and Netch) for a total of 12. After completing the questline, your other characters can start farming Luminous Inks from defeated enemies and harvested materials.

A good way to farm these is by grinding XP spots and harvesting in areas that spawn many resource nodes. You can use the Master Gatherer (Reduces the time it takes to harvest by 10% per stage.) and Plentiful Harvest (You have a 10% chance to gain double the yield from normal resource nodes per stage.) class points to farm them faster.

Class Scripts

Each class has the opportunity to develop mastery skills through scribing. Achieving class mastery allows you to incorporate a unique scribing effect into a scribing skill, making it feel more customized and personalized. For instance, adding the ability to generate cruxes to your arcanist skill can further enhance the base mechanics of the class.

Once you complete “The Wing of the Dragon” quest, you’re ready to start collecting Class Script Scraps. These scraps make up a potent Script known as the Class Mastery Signature Script. Collect 50 of these Scraps to unlock the Class Mastery Signature Script and level up your journey automatically.

Class Script Scraps can be found in rewards by:

  • Completing normal and veteran Trials
  • Opening normal and veteran Trial weekly coffers
  • Appearing on Trial leaderboards
  • Completing normal and veteran Arenas
  • Appearing on an Arena leaderboard
  • Completing the Infinite Archive
  • Opening rewards for completing daily normal and veteran Dungeons
  • Opening daily Battleground reward boxes
  • Completing Master Writs
  • Opening reward boxes granted from completing Elder Scrolls capture quests in Cyrodiil
  • Becoming Emperor in Cyrodiil

Once your final Class Script Scrap is acquired and consumed, you’ll earn the Class Mastery Signature Script for the character you are currently on and an achievement for your account. Other characters of yours will then be able to purchase this Signature Script from Chronicler Firandil without needing to collect more Scraps.

ArcanistCreate a Crux.
DragonknightFor each enemy within 8 meters, up to 6, gain 50 Weapon and Spell Damage and reduce your damage taken by 2% plus 1% per enemy for 5 seconds.
NecromancerOnce every 3 seconds, increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina by 2% for 10 seconds for each corpse within 12 meters, up to 10 times. If no corpses are nearby, create a corpse.
NightbladeRestore 333 Magicka and Stamina if your target was above 50% Health. Increase your Critical Chance by 10% for 5 seconds if your target was at or below 50% Health.
SorcererEnchant your closest pet for 5 seconds to heal a nearby ally for 475 Health each time it deals damage, up to once a second. If you do not have a pet, you deal 1122 Shock Damage to enemies within 8 meters of your first target.
TemplarFor 5 seconds, you gain 1320 Armor and 150 Weapon and Spell Damage. If Sacred Ground is active on you, these values are increased by 50%.
WardenCreate an 8 meter area for 2 seconds under your target once every 8 seconds that snares enemies by 70%, and charms them for 3 seconds when it expires. If no enemies are charmed, you restore 1000 Magicka and Stamina.

List of All Grimoires And Scripts

Here is a list of All Grimoires and Scripts along with their descriptions


Elemental ExplosionDestruction StaffChannel the power in your staff to fling a bolt of volatile magic, causing an elemental explosion at the target location.
Mender’s BondRestoration StaffTether yourself to an ally, manifesting a life link between you and them.
Shield ThrowOne-Handed and ShieldHurl your shield at an enemy, which then returns to you.
SmashTwo-HandedDrag your weapon along the ground to smash a cone in front of you.
Soul BurstSoul MagicUnleash a powerful burst of soul magic around you.
Wield SoulSoul MagicLaunch a concentrated blast of soul magic at a target.
TorchbearerFighters GuildConjure an imbued torch and sweep the area in front of you three times with its power.
TrampleAssaultPierce the air with a shrill whistle, calling your mount forth to trample enemies in a line. This ability cannot be re-activated while your mount is already attacking.
Traveling KnifeDual WieldTwirl and throw an enchanted dagger at an enemy, which returns to you after a short delay and hits additional enemies in the path.
Ulfsild’s ContingencyMages GuildImbue yourself with the magical runes of Ulfsild. These runes trigger when you cast an ability with a cost, causing a burst of magic around you.
VaultBowFire a burst at your feet while flipping backwards 15 meters.

Focus Scripts

Bleed DamageAdds bleed damage.
Damage ShieldAdds a damage shield.
Disease DamageAdds disease damage.
DispelAdds a dispel.
Flame DamageAdds flame damage.
Frost DamageAdds frost damage.
Generate UltimateAdds ultimate generation.
HealingAdds healing.
ImmobilizeAdds an immobilization effect.
KnockbackAdds a knockback.
Magic DamageAdds magic damage.
MitigationAdds damage reduction.
Multi-TargetAdds a multi-target hit.
Physical DamageAdds physical damage.
Poison DamageAdds poison damage.
PullAdds a pull.
Restore ResourcesAdds resource restoration.
Shock DamageAdds shock damage.
StunAdds a stun.
TauntAdds a taunt.
TraumaAdds healing absorption effect.

Signature Scripts

Anchorite’s CrueltyAdds a consume soul gem to deal oblivion damage effect.
Anchorite’s PotencyAdds a consume soul gem to grant ultimate effect.
Assassin’s MiseryAdds improved use of status effects.
Cavalier’s ChargeAdds an increase to damage as ability persists effect.
Class MasteryAdds a class signature enhancement. (Unique effects)
Crusader’s DefianceAdds removal of debilitating effect.
Druid’s ResurgenceAdds resource restoration.
Fencer’s ParryAdds deflection of next direct damage attack.
Gladiator’s TenacityAdds damage reduction.
Growing ImpactAdds enhanced buff and debuff application.
Hunter’s SnareAdds a slowing effect.
Immobilizing StrikeAdds an immobilization effect.
Knight’s ValorAdds improved use of bash or blocking.
Leeching ThirstAdds a heal for percentage of damage done.
Lingering TormentAdds damage over time.
Sage’s RemedyAdds healing over time.
Thief’s SwiftnessAdds improvement to your mobility.
Warmage’s DefenseAdds a damage shield.
Warrior’s OpportunityAdds an improve your next direct damage attack effect.
Wayfarer’s MasteryAdds improved functionality of skill line passives.

Affix Scripts

BerserkAdds Berserk, a buff increasing damage done.
BreachAdds Breach, a debuff reducing physical and spell resistance.
BrittleAdds Brittle, a debuff increasing critical damage taken.
Brutality and SorceryAdds Brutality and Sorcery, buffs increasing weapon and spell damage.
CourageAdds Courage, a buff increasing weapon and spell damage.
CowardiceAdds Cowardice, a debuff reducing weapon and spell damage.
DefileAdds Defile, a debuff reducing healing received.
EmpowerAdds Empower, a buff increasing heavy attack damage.
EnervationAdds Enervation, a debuff reducing critical damage.
EvasionAdds Evasion, a buff reducing damage from area effects.
ExpeditionAdds Expedition, a buff increasing movement speed.
ForceAdds Force, a buff increasing critical damage.
HeroismAdds Heroism, a buff increasing ultimate generation.
Intellect and EnduranceAdds Intellect and Endurance, buffs increasing magicka and stamina recovery.
InterruptAdds interruption effect.
LifestealAdds Lifesteal, a debuff granting healing to attackers.
MagickastealAdds Magickasteal, a debuff granting magicka restoration to attackers.
MaimAdds Maim, a debuff reducing damage dealt.
MangleAdds Mangle, a debuff reducing max health.
Off BalanceAdds off balance effect.
ProtectionAdds Protection, a buff reducing damage taken.
ResolveAdds Resolve, a buff increasing physical and spell resistance.
Savagery and ProphecyAdds Savagery and Prophecy, buffs increasing weapon and spell critical chance.
UncertaintyAdds Uncertainty, a debuff reducing weapon critical damage.
VitalityAdds Vitality, a buff increasing healing received.
VulnerabilityAdds Vulnerability, a debuff increasing damage taken.

Grimoires and Scripts Compatibility

Since not all Scripts are compatible with every Grimoire, here is a list of Scripts that can be used with these specific Grimoires.

GrimoireFocus ScriptsSignature ScriptsAffix Scripts
Elemental ExplosionMagic Damage, Flame Damage, Frost Damage, Shock Damage, Trauma, Knockback, Stun, DispelLingering Torment, Hunter’s Snare, Immobilizing Strike, Assassin’s Misery, Class Mastery, Druid’s Resurgence, Warmage’s DefenseOff Balance, Cowardice, Defile, Enervation, magickasteal, Brutality and Sorcery, Lifesteal, Brittle
Mender’s BondMagic Damage, Immobilize, Healing, Generate Ultimate, Damage Shield, Resource RestoreHunter’s Snare, Class Mastery, Sage’s Remedy, Druid’s Resurgence, Crusader’s Defiance, Warmage’s Defense,Vitality, Heroism, Protection, Courage, Intellect and Endurance, Maim, Breach, Empower, Brittle
Shield ThrowPhysical Damage, Magic Damage, Taunt, Knockback, Pull, Immobilize, Multi-TargetLingering Torment, Class Mastery, Sage’s Remedy, Druid’s Resurgence, Thief’s Swiftness, Wayfarer’s Mastery, Fencer’s ParryInterrupt, Off Balance, Resolve, Evasion, Vitality, Cowardice, Maim, Enervation
SmashPhysical Damage, Bleed, Magic Damage, Taunt, Knockback, Stun, Healing, Damage ShieldLingering Torment, Class Mastery, Sage’s Remedy, Druid’s Resurgence, Crusader’s Defiance, Wayfarer’s Mastery, Fencer’s Parry, Leeching ThirstInterrupt, Expedition, Vitality, Force, Maim, Mangle, Breach
Soul BurstPhysical Damage, Magic Damage, Shock Damage, Pull, Immobilize, Healing, Damage ShieldLingering Torment, Hunter’s Snare, Anchorite’s Cruelty, Anchorite’s Potency, Class Mastery, Sage’s Remedy, Druid’s ResurgenceInterrupt, Expedition, Resolve, Courage, Intellect and Endurance, Maim, Breach, Magickasteal
Wield SoulPhysical Damage, Magic Damage, Shock Damage, Pull, Stun, Healing, Damage ShieldAnchorite’s Cruelty, Anchorite’s Potency, Lingering Torment, Class Mastery, Sage’s Remedy, Druid’s ResurgenceResolve, Vitality, Intellect and Endurance, Cowardice, Defile, Breach, Brutality and Sorcery, Empower
TorchbearerPhysical Damage, Bleed, Flame Damage, Knockback, Stun, Healing, Generate UltimateLingering Torment, Hunter’s Snare, Class Mastery, Druid’s Resurgence, Crusader’s Defiance, Gladiator’s Tenacity, Warrior’s OpportunityResolve, Evasion, Vitality, Heroism, Cowardice, Mangle, Breach, Uncertainty
TramplePhysical Damage, Disease Damage, Magic Damage, Trauma, Knockback, Stun, DispelLingering Torment, Hunter’s Snare, Immobilizing Strike, Assassin’s Misery, Class Mastery, Thief’s Swiftness, Wayfarer’s Mastery, Warrior’s Opportunity, Cavalier’s ChargeOff Balance, Savagery/Prophecy, Expedition, Heroism, Vulnerability, Cowardice, Mangle, Defile
Traveling KnifePhysical Damage, Bleed, Poison Damage, Magic Damage, Pull, Stun, Multi-TargetLingering Torment, Hunter’s Snare, Assassin’s Misery, Class Mastery, Wayfarer’s Mastery, Warrior’s Opportunity, Warmage’s Defense, Fencer’s Parry, Leeching ThirstOff Balance, Savagery/Prophecy, Expedition, Vulnerability, Maim, Uncertainty, Lifesteal, Berserk
Ulfsild’s ContingencyMagic Damage, Flame Damage, Frost Damage, Taunt, Knockback, Immobilize, Healing, Damage ShieldLingering Torment, Hunter’s Snare, Class Mastery, Sage’s Remedy, Growing Impact, Gladiator’s Tenacity, Warrior’s Opportunity,Resolve, Protection, Courage, Intellect and Endurance, Force, Vulnerability, Enervation, Breach, Magickasteal
VaultPhysical Damage, Disease Damage, Poison Damage, Flame Damage, Taunt, Immobilize, HealingLingering Torment, Hunter’s Snare, Class Mastery, Sage’s Remedy, Druid’s Resurgence, Thief’s Swiftness, Wayfarer’s Mastery, Crusader’s DefianceOff Balance, Savagery/Prophecy, Expedition, Evasion, Force, Vulnerability, Maim, Lifesteal, Berserk

Peak Performance: The Best Scribe Skills for Every Role

The Best Scribe Skills For Tanks

Warding Contingency

  • Grimoire: Wield Soul
  • Focus Script: Pull
  • Signature Script: Druid’s Resurgence
  • Affix Script: Cowardice

Imbue yourself with the magical runes of Ulfsild for 20 seconds. When you cast an ability with a cost, these runes trigger a burst of magic around you, granting you and your allies a damage shield that absorbs 3960 damage for 6 seconds. The shield’s strength scales with the higher of your Max Health or Magicka. Also, it reduces damage taken by 8% for 6 seconds. Additionally, you gain Minor Protection for 20 seconds, reducing damage taken by 5%.

Heroic Torch

  • Grimoire: Torchbearer
  • Focus Script: Generate Ultimate
  • Signature Script: Gladiator’s Tenacity
  • Affix Script: Heroism

Conjure an imbued torch and sweep the area in front of you three times with its power, generating Ultimate for you and your allies. This ability also reduces damage taken and grants the Heroism buff, increasing Ultimate generation.

Leashing Burst

  • Grimoire: Soul Burst
  • Focus Script: Pull
  • Signature Script: Hunter’s Snare
  • Affix Script: Interrupt

Unleash a powerful burst of soul magic around you, pulling enemies within 8 meters to you after 2 seconds. This ability reduces the movement speed of enemies by 30% for 6 seconds and interrupts casting enemies. Perfect for setting up combos

The Best Scribe Skills For DPS

Venomous Knife

  • Grimoire: Traveling Knife
  • Focus Script: Poison Damage
  • Signature Script: Warrior’s Opportunity
  • Affix Script: Berserk

Hurl an enchanted dagger at a foe, swiftly returning to you after 0.5 seconds, striking additional enemies in its path. This attack inflicts Physical Damage upon a single target and to any enemies caught between you and your initial target upon its return. Moreover, affected foes suffer a 8% increase in Martial damage for 5 seconds. This also grants you Minor Berserk for 20 seconds, heightening your damage output by 5%.

Shocking Soul

  • Grimoire: Wield Soul
  • Focus Script: Shock Damage
  • Signature Script :Lingering Torment
  • Affix Script: Empower

Unleash a blast of soul magic upon your target, delivering Magic Damage. Additionally, it inflicts Magic Damage upon the enemy over a duration of 10 seconds. Furthermore, it bestows Empower upon you for 10 seconds, amplifying the damage of Heavy Attacks against monsters by an impressive 70%.

Fiery Explosion

  • Grimoire: Elemental Explosion
  • Focus Script: Flame Damage
  • Signature Script: Lingering Torment
  • Affix Script: Lifesteal

Focus the energy within your staff to hurl a bolt of unstable magic, triggering an elemental explosion upon reaching the targeted destination. This potent spell inflicts 5106 Magic Damage upon enemies within its range and continues to afflict them with 3690 Magic Damage over 20 seconds. Additionally, it inflicts enemies with Minor Lifesteal for 20 seconds, granting attackers a healing effect of 600 Health every second.

The Best Scribe Skill For Healers

Mender’s Bond

  • Grimoire: Mender’s Bond
  • Focus Script: Damage Shield
  • Signature Script: Sage’s Remedy
  • Affix Script: Empower

Tether yourself to an ally, creating a lifeline between you. This connection grants a protective shield to the linked ally and others, absorbing 1028 damage every second. When they depart the link, they receive healing, restoring 12654 Health over 5 seconds. Moreover, Grant Empower to the tethered ally and linked allies for 10 seconds, boosting the damage of Heavy Attacks against monsters by 70%.

Healing Soul

  • Grimoire: Wield Soul
  • Focus Script: Healing
  • Signature Script: Druid’s Resurgance
  • Affix Script: Brutality and Sorcery

Launch a blast of soul magic upon yourself or a comrade. This spell promptly heals for 4440 Health and replenishes 1000 Magicka and 1000 Stamina. Additionally, it bestows Major Brutality and Major Sorcery for 10 seconds, amplifying Weapon and Spell Damage by 20%.

And that concludes our Scribing guide. While it may seem a bit overwhelming initially, exploring all the options might leave you feeling overwhelmed—but it’s the kind of challenge that’s worth it. In my opinion, it’s one of the most innovative systems the game has seen so far, revolutionizing how you build your character and team dynamics during Trials and other events. Remember, these Scribe Skills are merely suggestions to inspire your own creations. Don’t hesitate to tweak the Scripts to match your preferences. And surely, future updates to the Scribing System will likely introduce additional Grimoires and Scripts, offering even more opportunities for customization to fit your unique playstyle.

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