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Elden Ring Iron Ball Build – Blue Baller Guide (All Game Build)

In this Elden Ring Iron Ball Build guide, I’ll be showcasing my Blue Baller build. This versatile build utilizes the Iron Ball, a Fist weapon that I explored in our Fist Weapons video. I thoroughly enjoyed using this weapon, and in this guide, I’ll walk you through how to effectively assemble and optimize this build.

Elden Ring Iron Ball Build – Blue Baller

Elden Ring Iron Ball Build – Blue Baller: Equipment

Now, I can almost hear you asking, “Cas, why use the Iron Ball instead of the Star Fist?” The answer is simple: fashion. The Blue Baller build just wouldn’t have the same appeal with Star Fists. Besides, we’ve already done a build with the Star Fist, so I wanted to try something new. Hence, we’re using the Iron Ball, or more specifically, the Heavy Iron Balls.

There are some great things about this weapon, even though it’s not the Star Fist. First of all, it does incredible damage. It’s probably second in terms of attack rating among Fist weapons, just behind the Star Fist. While it doesn’t have the bleed buildup of the Star Fist, which would be ideal for min-maxing, we’re not focused on that for this build.

You can also acquire the Iron Ball early in the game. It can be found in Liurnia of the Lakes by defeating Blackguard Big Boggart there, allowing you to pick these up quickly. What I love about these Fists is their boxing-like nature and the significant stance damage from their charged heavy attacks. You can often stance break tough enemies with just two charged heavy attacks.

When you use the Stonebarb Cracked Tear to further increase your stance damage, you can stance break bosses with two charged heavy attacks, which is incredibly fast. Once they’re down, you can either go to town on them while they’re on the ground or follow up with a critical strike. I also love the running R2 attack chain combo of this weapon. The running heavy attack followed by heavy attacks is surprisingly fast and deals a lot of damage, so I highly recommend incorporating the running R2 into your playstyle with this weapon type.

In addition to the Iron Ball, I’m using the Academy Glintstone Staff to buff our Heavy Iron Balls with magic. Using Scholar’s Armament adds more magic damage to your attacks, giving you a higher total attack rating than a purely physical infusion. While it’s split damage, I enjoy the aesthetic—something about blue balls has a nice appeal. So, you’ll buff your Iron Balls with this staff.

We’re using the Academy Glintstone Staff because our Intelligence is around 50 for this build. If you go higher, you might want to consider a different staff. But at this point in the game, since we’re primarily focused on using Scholar’s Armament, this is the best staff for that purpose. However, if you decide to use other spells and find a particular set you like, you might be better off with a different staff. But if you’re following this build exactly, the Academy Glintstone Staff is the optimal choice.

The general strategy for this build involves buffing with Scholar’s Armament, then using the running R2 attack on regular enemies or attempting to stance break an enemy for a critical strike. For bosses or tougher enemies, you can run up to them, execute a combo, and then use Endure just before they counterattack. This allows you to poise through their attacks and continue striking. You can either use another charged heavy attack to stance break them or maintain your assault with regular R2s or R1s.

Endure is particularly useful because it not only prevents interruptions but also significantly reduces the damage you take. With this build, you can tank through hits due to your high poise. Even if you wouldn’t be staggered, using Endure allows you to mitigate damage and continue your attacks. It takes some practice, but once mastered, it’s incredibly effective.

Endure is an Ash of War you can acquire early from the Warmaster’s Shack in Stormhill. This means you can obtain both the Iron Ball weapon and this Ash of War early in the game. All you need is a staff to get started, which you likely already have if you started as an Astrologer or a similar class.

For armor, you can use any set that provides at least 51 poise to avoid being interrupted during attacks. While Endure is helpful, there are times when you might not want to break your attack flow by using it, especially against regular enemies or bosses. Having sufficient poise allows you to keep attacking without interruptions. I chose an armor set that offers poise and has a knightly appearance. However, you can use any armor you prefer. I opted for a chest piece with a touch of blue to match the theme of the build.

Elden Ring Iron Ball Build – Blue Baller: Talismans

For talismans, I’ve selected a combination tailored for this build’s playstyle. Firstly, the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia is a must-have, as your rapid fist attacks quickly build up attack power, both in regular combat and against bosses.

If you opt for the Keen infusion instead of Heavy Iron Balls, consider using Millicent’s Prosthesis for its dexterity boost and additional attack power buildup.

Next, the Axe Talisman enhances the already potent charged heavy attack of the Iron Ball, useful for breaking enemy stances, including bosses. Alternatively, you could use the Dagger Talisman for increased critical strike damage if you find yourself frequently breaking stances.

The Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman offers added protection, complementing the build’s emphasis on durability through thick armor and Endure.

Lastly, while the Assassin’s Crimson Dagger isn’t essential, it provides healing after trading damage, particularly useful against tougher enemies. Alternatively, you could swap it for the Green Turtle Talisman for more stamina recovery or the Ritual Sword Talisman for increased damage output during aggressive play.

Attribute wise for this build, we have 50 vigor, 25 mind, 25 endurance, 50 strength, 12 dexterity, 50 intelligence, 7 faith and 9 arcane.

  • Vigor: Set at 50, Vigor provides ample health to engage in combat and trade blows without risking death. While 50 is sufficient for most situations, increasing it to 60 can enhance survivability, especially during prolonged battles where endurance is key.
  • Mind: With 25 points allocated, Mind ensures a steady supply of FP for frequent use of Endure, allowing uninterrupted combat flow. Adjustments may be made based on the player’s preference for spellcasting, with higher Mind recommended for hybrid builds incorporating magic.
  • Endurance: At 25, Endurance strikes a balance between mobility and defense, facilitating medium rolling and offering protection with heavy armor. Additional points may be invested if heavier armor sets are desired, ensuring stamina reserves for sustained combat.
  • Strength: With a hefty investment of 50 points, Strength maximizes the damage output of the Iron Ball, making each strike formidable and impactful.
  • Dexterity: Set at 12, Dexterity meets the minimum requirements for wielding the Iron Ball effectively, ensuring smooth handling without penalties.
  • Intelligence: With a significant allocation of 50 points, Intelligence boosts the damage dealt with Scholar’s Armament, enhancing the magical properties of the Heavy Iron Balls. Additionally, higher Intelligence strengthens spellcasting abilities for players incorporating magic into their combat strategy.
  • Faith and Arcane: With minimal investments of 7 and 9 points, respectively, Faith and Arcane are not prioritized in this build, as they are not central to its focus or effectiveness.

For the Flask of Wondrous Physick, you could use the Stonebarb Cracked Tear for stance breaking bosses quickly and follow with a combo for massive damage. The Thorny Cracked Tear increases damage with successive hits, or you can use the Strength-knot Crystal Tear to boost Strength for charged heavy attacks. Stamina recovery options are also good.

For Great Runes, use Radahn’s for more health and stamina. Godrick’s Great Rune is also an option early on but Radahn’s is generally better as the game progresses.

So that wraps up our Blue Baller build. I hope you guys enjoyed this one. It’s a really fun build with a unique style. As always, let us know if you have questions or other tips in the comments below. We have a ton more builds coming for Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree so stay tuned for those. If you need help finding the spells, items, or equipment in this build, and securing some personal objectives, make sure to check the Elden Ring Map.

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