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Elden Ring Dual Greatswords Build Guide – Champion

In this Elden Ring Dual Greatswords Build Guide, I’m presenting my Champion build. This build is an upgraded version of the Berserker build, utilizing two greatswords simultaneously to deliver formidable damage, especially with jumping attacks. This guide focuses on the level 50 iteration of the build, illustrating its evolution and effectiveness.

Elden Ring Dual Greatswords Build Guide – Champion

A dual-wielding Build that focuses on the use of Greatsword and Heavy Armor to tank hits while dealing devastating damage via Jump Attacks.

We have over 110 Elden Ring builds. Each one is meticulously crafted to offer unique playstyles, strategies, and experiences, ensuring there’s something for every adventurer in the Lands Between. Whether you seek the raw power of heavy weapons, the finesse of spellcasting, or the versatility of hybrid builds, our collection has you covered. Explore the depths of the game’s mechanics and unleash your full potential with our diverse array of builds.

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BerserkerChampionHellfire Herald
Scorching Slayer
Blasphemous Beastmaster
Dark Knight
Blasphemous Herald
Golden Champion
Black Knife Assassin
Carian Cavalier
Sword Saint
Slumbering Swordstress
Scarlet Spear


Kung Fu Katarist

Elden Ring Dual Greatswords Build Guide – Champion: Equipment

The primary distinction between this setup and the Berserker build lies in its emphasis on damage resistance, allowing you to charge into combat without constant concern for survival. Here, the cornerstone is the Banished Knight heavy armor set, renowned for its exceptional physical fortification alongside respectable magical and elemental defenses. 

However, its substantial weight demands many points invested in endurance – around 35 points – to maintain mid-roll capabilities when wielding these two weapons. Consequently, donning this armor set comfortably may not be feasible until reaching approximately level 50 or close to it.

Fortunately, acquiring this armor set is attainable by farming it from one of the knights in Stormveil Castle, accessible from the Rampart side of Site of Grace. Simply dispatch the knight, retreat, and then repeat the process until you’ve secured the entire set. With a bit of persistence, I managed to gather the entire set within about 30 minutes, making acquiring it surprisingly manageable.

As for the weapons, the focal points of this Dual Greatswords build are the Lordsworn’s Greatsword and the Claymore. If you’ve already utilized these weapons in your Berserker build, you can seamlessly transition by continuing to upgrade them, ensuring a smooth continuation of your journey.

Elden Ring Dual Greatswords Build Guide – Champion: Talismans

For this Dual Greatswords build, the essential talismans include Erdtree’s Favor, Blessed Dew Talisman, and the Claw Talisman.

Erdtree's Favor raises user's maximum HP, Stamina, and Equip Load.

Erdtree’s Favor stands as a cornerstone, practically indispensable due to its multifaceted benefits. Not only does it augment your stamina, a vital resource for your aggressive combat style, but it also enhances your equip load and health pool. These enhancements are crucial for thriving on the front lines, where your aggressive approach demands resilience.

It is important to boost your equip load, especially when donning heavier armor sets. While opting for lighter armor mitigates this necessity to some extent, for those committed to heavy armor, Erdtree’s Favor becomes a non-negotiable asset.

Players can use talismans in Elden Ring to boost a variety of Stats.

The inclusion of the Blessed Dew Talisman serves to complement your resilience further. Its gradual health regeneration proves invaluable, especially considering your heightened resistance to most attacks. With this talisman aiding in the recovery of lost health during exchanges or from incidental damage, it significantly reduces the reliance on health flasks, ensuring sustained endurance in prolonged engagements.

 Claw Talisman increases jump attack damage by 15%.

Lastly, the Claw Talisman rounds out the trio, focusing on enhancing your jump attacks’ potency with a notable 15% increase in damage. Given the efficacy of jump attacks, seizing every opportunity to employ them becomes paramount. I’ll delve into the rationale behind this momentarily.

Elden Ring Dual Greatswords Build Guide – Champion: Strategy & Gameplay

Similar to the Berserker, this Elden Ring Dual Greatswords build steers clear of spellcasting, banking instead on the enhancements provided by Ashes of War. Key to this strategy are Golden Vow and Determination.

Golden Vow acts as the cornerstone, amplifying both offensive and defensive capabilities by approximately 10% and 5% respectively, over a span of 40 to 45 seconds. Placing Golden Vow in the left hand extends its benefits to nearby allies, making it a tactical choice. On the flip side, Determination significantly ramps up attack power by roughly 60%, albeit at the cost of 10 FP per activation, a boon for the wielded weapons’ hefty strikes.

Preferring Golden Vow over War Cry is a strategic choice, ensuring buffs for both weapons, unlike War Cry, which exclusively enhances the right-hand weapon. Moreover, timing Determination before executing a critical attack can result in substantial damage spikes, albeit with varying efficacy.

Strategically, the approach mirrors the Berserker, with Golden Vow deployed proactively and Determination employed as combat dictates, favoring jump attacks to maximize offensive output while minimizing the risk of being staggered.

Regarding weapon enhancements, a Heavy infusion is advised for Lordsworn’s Greatsword to maximize damage output, particularly once strength surpasses a certain threshold. Conversely, retaining the Sacred infusion on the Claymore while utilizing Golden Vow ensures superior initial damage output, with the option to transition to a Heavy infusion as strength grows.

The key stats to prioritize for this Dual Greatswords build are primarily Endurance. This stat grants ample stamina and boosts your equip weight, allowing you to don the Banished Knight armor set and dual-wield two greatswords simultaneously—making it essential for this playstyle.

There’s little need to focus on Strength or Dexterity, unless it’s solely to meet weapon requirements early in the game. Another stat worth emphasizing is Vigor. Increasing Vigor bolsters your health, enabling you to endure more hits and granting additional health for the Blessed Dew Talisman to gradually restore over time.

Additionally, I’ve allocated a few points into Mind to exceed 80 FP. This decision was informed by the fact that Golden Vow consumes 40 FP, while Determination requires 10 FP. This setup affords you four casts of Determination during each Golden Vow cycle without depleting your resources excessively—a pretty neat calculation. Of course, you have the flexibility to adjust your Mind stat as needed, but reducing it might necessitate frequent use of health potions to compensate for the loss in FP reserves.

Elden Ring Dual Greatswords Build Guide – Final Tips

Some final tips to fine-tune this Elden Ring Dual Greatswords build: First off, make liberal use of Determination—it’s super cost-effective. With around 80 FP, you’ve got enough juice for up to eight casts. If you can’t take out an enemy with a single jump attack, pop Determination to ensure you get the job done. Just keep an eye on your health and FP levels to make sure you’ve got enough in the tank between stops.

Now, while Lordsworn’s Greatsword and the Claymore are solid choices, you’re not locked into them. Feel free to experiment with other weapons, but make sure you’re still making room for Determination in your loadout. Its damage boost is no joke, so it’s definitely worth prioritizing. Any other Greatsword will benefit from its buff, whether it’s packing magic or fire damage.

But if you swap out your left-hand weapon, you lose out on the benefits of Golden Vow. So, if you do decide to mix things up, pick a weapon with a long-lasting buff that doesn’t need constant swapping during a fight, keeping the focus on that two-handed combat style.

On top of that, consider other talismans to round out your Dual Greatswords build. The Green Turtle talisman will help you recover stamina faster, which is handy given your hefty stamina pool. And the Carian Filigreed Crest cuts down on skill costs, meaning you can pop Golden Vow and Determination more often without worrying about running dry.

Now, there are plenty of other talismans out there that could beef up your build even more. While having options is great, make sure they all mesh well with your overall strategy. And as you unlock that fourth talisman slot, don’t be afraid to swap out one of your existing talismans to squeeze in something new.

That’s all for our Champion build. As always, let us know if you have questions or other tips in the comments below. We have a ton more builds coming for Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree so stay tuned for those. If you need help finding the spells, items, or equipment in this build, and securing some personal objectives, make sure to check the Elden Ring Map.

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