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Elden Ring Arcane Bleed Build Guide – Dragon Warrior

In this Elden Ring Arcane Bleed Guide, I’ll be showing you my Dragon Warrior build. This is a level 150 version of the Blood Dragon, which is sort of an extension of the Dragon Knight build. However, it’s different because we’re going back to using the dual curved sword set-up that we had in the Blood Dragon build. While this build does use Dragon spells effectively, we have sort of changed up the way that we use them. This is a mash-up between using a dual sword curved warrior, and using some Dragon spells.

Elden Ring Arcane Bleed Build Guide – Dragon Warrior

An Arcane Build that uses Bleed and rapid attacks to build up Attack Power and then unleash deadly Dragon attacks.

We have over 110 Elden Ring Builds now, for all classes and playstyles. This Build is recommended for Level 150.

Beginner BuildsLevel 50 BuildsLevel 100 BuildsLevel 150 BuildsLevel 150-200 Builds
Dragon PriestBlack Flame Apostle
Sword Sage
Dragon Knight
Blackflame Spellblade
Blasphemous Beastmaster
Frenzied Acolyte
Blackflame Bushido
Dragon Warrior
Magic Dragonknight
Flame Dancer
Golden Sword Sage
Black Blade
Mad King
Red Lightning
Dragon Dancer

Elden Ring Arcane Bleed Build – Equipment

The weapons we use for this build that you want ideally is the Bandit’s Curved Swords. That’s because they have the highest damage of the curved swords that you can use for this set-up, and you’re going to set the Bleed affinity on both of them. I’m using one Scavenger’s Curved Sword here because I couldn’t be bothered to get a second one. We’re going for the bleed build-up as fast as possible, and Bleed affinity is the best way to do it.

Bandit’s Curved Sword

We’re also going to use the Dragon Communion Seal here. This scales very well with Arcane, and we’re going to have a lot of it in this build in order to increase our bleed build-up to set the Hemorrhage status effect as quickly as possible. You’re going to be able to get a lot of damage out of your Dragon Communion Incantations with this because of the high Arcane, and also because of the seal’s boosts towards Dragon incantations.

Dragon Communion Seal

For the helmet, I’ll be using the White Mask to further increase your attack power by 10% when you set blood loss on an enemy. Blood loss will be constant on an enemy with this build, so you’re going to have that 10% all the time.

White Mask

For armor, you basically want to use the very heavy armor for this set-up not only to give you protection, but also to give you more Poise. That way, you don’t get interrupted a lot when you’re attacking. You can shrug off some regular attacks, and also not be interrupted while using some of your Dragon incantations.

Elden Ring Arcane Bleed Build – Talismans

The talismans I’m using for this build are: Primal Glintstone Blade, Lord of Blood’s Exultation, Winged Sword Insignia, and Millicent’s Prosthesis.

Primal Glintstone Blade reduces the FP cost of your spells by 25%, in exchange for 15% of your max HP. This build will have a very high HP, so that’s not going to be an issue. You also have very good protection, so you don’t die easily. Dragon incantations cost a lot of FP, so reducing that by 25% is substantial. This is going to be between 10 to 15 FP in most cases, and if you hold the button down, it’s going to be even more. This allows you to get away with a lower Mind stat, and still increase all the others in order to get good damage and survivability.

Primal Glintstone Blade

Lord of Blood’s Exultation increases our attack power by 20% when we set Hemorrhage on ourself or other enemies. Again, this is going to be on all the time. One thing I want to mention is that because we’re using Seppuku on both of our curved swords, you’re going to be able to set this on yourself regularly. If you’re going into a fight without setting bleeding, or maybe if the enemy is immune to bleeding, you’re going to be able to set it on yourself at the beginning of the battle.

Lord of Blood’s Exultation

Winged Sword Insignia is there to increase your attack power as you repeatedly strike enemies. Since you’re dual wielding with curved swords, this is going to be frequent. Again, the running L1 and jumping L1 both hit four times almost instantaneously, so this allows you to build up this buff quickly to get a lot of attack power increase.

Winged Sword Insignia

The same will be true for Millicent’s Prosthesis. The upside is this gives you +5 to Dexterity, which is great as well for further boosting your damage.

Millicent’s Prosthesis

Elden Ring Arcane Bleed Build – Spells

When it comes to spells for this build, I’m going to use Golden Vow to further boost all of our damage and protection. This includes spells and attacks. I’m using Blessing’s Boon to give me a heal over time. If you’re using Seppuku, you’re damaging yourself, so you want to be able to heal that up. This also heal you up regularly throughout fights, which is good. I have the Ekzyke’s Decay spell. This sets the Scarlet Rot status effect on enemies, as well as deal physical damage to them. This is really good, as we have a huge focus on physical damage in this build, which is why I selected this spell.


The other two spells that we use for this build are: Dragonclaw and Dragonmaw. Both of these deal physical damage, but Dragonclaw does less damage than Dragonmaw does in general. You can, however, spam it two times in a row so it’s better for weaker enemies that you don’t need as much damage for, which will save you some FP. It’s also better at staggering enemies like bosses because of the repeated strikes. Dragonmaw does more damage, costs more FP, is slower to cast, and has worse tracking. It’s better to use this on big and slow enemies that have a lot of HP. You’re going to alternate between these. You can use other spells as well, but the way I have this build set-up is you’re going to be primarily using these two.


Elden Ring Arcane Bleed Build – Gameplay

The general strategy for this build is that when I’m running around the landscape or just going through a regular dungeon, I’ll use Golden Vow and use one Seppuku on my main hand. One running L1 would be enough to kill just about anything that can bleed. Keep in mind that when you do a running L1, the animation starts a bit earlier before the blades actually hit. Do the attack a little bit early, as you kind of close the gap to the enemy so that the swords will connect when you get into melee range.


I will use Blessing’s Boon if I’m in a high-traffic enemy area, and I know I’m probably going to take some hits. Whereas if the enemies are more spread out, then I’m not worrying about that as much and I won’t cast it.


Ezyke’s Decay is a really good AoE for situations where you need to clear an entire room, or there are a lot of enemies that are close together. You want to set Scarlet Rot on a difficult enemy from far away, before it gets to you. These are all the scenarios where you’ll use this typically.


When I get to a hard enemy or a boss, what I typically do is buff myself with Golden Vow, Blessing’s Boon, then I use Seppuku once on each weapon. I’ll have both blades buffed, then I run in and try to set the Hemorrhage status effect as quickly as possible. I then try to pull off a complete L1 combo, which will usually max your Wing Sword Insignia and Millicent’s Prosthesis buff. At this point, you want to swap one of your weapons to the Dragon Communion Seal, then either use a Dragonclaw or Dragonmaw. You’ll hit like an absolute freight train when you do it because your attacks are buffed so much. You’ll probably take some hits when doing these things, which is the reason why we have heavy armor to survive that.

Elden Ring Arcane Bleed Build – Attributes

When it comes to stats for this build, I have: 50 Vigor, 30 Mind, 29 Endurance, 12 Strength, 17 Dexterity, 9 Intelligence, 25 Faith and 62 Arcane.


50 Vigor is there to make sure you can trade damage and not die. Also, since you’re using Primal Glintstone Blade, you’re going to lose a percentage of your max health. You want to make sure to compensate for that by having high HP.

Our Mind attribute is only at 30 for this build, which would seem kind of low for a build that uses primarily Dragon incantations. Since we’re using Primal Glintstone Blade, we reduce the cost of those spells significantly, allowing us to get away with lower FP pool in order to cast those spells regularly.

29 Endurance is just enough to use this set-up and medium roll. If you’re using different armor, this will be different. I don’t like to have any more endurance than I need in order to medium roll, so we could spend these points elsewhere.

Strength is at 12 because that’s what I had for my starting class.

Dexterity is at 17 for Millicent’s Prosthesis. You only need these to be at 11 and 13 in order to use the Bandit’s Curved Sword. If you’re playing a different class, these will be at a lower value.

Intelligence is at 9 because we don’t really need it for this build.

Faith is at 25 in order to use Golden Vow, as well as Blessing’s Boon. Some of the other Dragon incantations spells require Faith, too.

Arcane is basically as high as we can get it here to boost the damage we deal with spells. I did some testing to see where the sweet spot is between Faith and Arcane to see how much Arcane would outperform Faith in terms of scaling. What I realized is it doesn’t matter as much if you crank Arcane while leaving Faith at 25. Your incantation scaling will be one or two points lower than doing a split between the two. Since Arcane will also increase the damage of your weapons and bleed build-up, it’s a better stat to have.

Elden Ring Dragon Arcane Bleed – Final Tips

Lastly, if you’re using the Flask of Wondrous Physick, I recommend using Thorny Cracked Tear. This is similar to the talismans you’re using, as it will increase your damage with repeated attacks to the enemy. That’ll further boost your attack and spell power.

Thorny Cracked Tear

Greenburst Crystal Tear will also be good here to increase your stamina recovery. I love stamina recovery, as it’s really good for this build.

Greenburst Crystal Tear

Thatโ€™s it for our Dragon Warrior Build Guide! As always, let us know if you have questions or other tips in the comments below. We have a ton more builds coming for Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree so stay tuned for those. If you need help finding items, and securing some personal objectives, make sure to check the Elden Ring Map. Happy building!

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