In this Diablo 4 Werebear Druid End Game Build I’ll show you how to play my Overpowering Fury Build, which is a melee/ranged Werebear Druid Build that focuses on dealing incredible burst damage through Werebear and Earth Skills, by triggering the Overpower effect regularly. This is a level 50+ Druid Build aimed at World Tier 3, where you start to take on Tree of Whispers quests, Helltides and Nightmare Dungeons. If you’ve been looking for a good Werebear Build, this Guide is for you!
Diablo 4 Werebear Druid End Game Build- Overpower
The general strategy with this Build is to trigger the Overpower effect to increase the damage of your Pulverize, Trample and Boulder attacks, and we do this in a few ways. First is by remaining Healthy, which means over 80% of our Max HP. When we accomplish this we automatically Overpower with Pulverize once every 12 seconds.
![Diablo 4 Werebear Druid Build - Overpower Damage](
Another way is by using the Obsidian Slam Spirit Boon which makes your next Earth Skill after 10 kills automatically Overpowers. When used in conjunction with Legendary Aspects that change Trample and Pulverize into Earth Skills, while also remaining Werebear Skills, they benefit from this Spirit Boon.
And lastly by having max rank of the Provocation passive skill we will Overpower with any attack once every 20 seconds simply by remaining in Werebear form. All over our Earth Skills are now Werebear Skills thanks to the Unique item Vasily’s Prayer, and our default form is now Werebear form thanks to the Unique item Insatiable Fury.
![Diablo 4 Werebear Druid Build - Vasily's Prayer Unique](
All of these things lead to a chain reaction of Overpowered attacks that generally prompt further Overpower attacks since you tend to kill everything when you Overpower with Pulverize, which then triggers Obsidian Slam, which then generally triggers it again. This leads to very easy trash clears and good burst DPS during Boss fights.
Diablo 4 Werebear Druid End Game Build – Overpower Active Skills
Each Diablo 4 Werebear Druid End Game Build is made up of the 6 Active Skills they have equipped and changing these Skills can drastically change the way the Druid Class in Diablo IV plays. In this section we’ll take a look at what Skills you should slot for the Diablo 4 Werebear Druid Build. Your Skill distribution should look something like this:
Skill | Points Spent |
Maul | 1 |
Enhanced Maul | 1 |
Fierce Maul | 1 |
Pulverize | 5 |
Enhanced Pulverize | 1 |
Primal Pulverize | 1 |
Predatory Instinct | 3 |
Iron Fur | 3 |
Earthen Bulwark | 1 |
Enhanced Earthen Bulwark | 1 |
Innate Earthen Bulwark | 1 |
Ancestral Fortitude | 3 |
Vigilance | 3 |
Trample | 5 |
Enhanced Trample | 1 |
Savage Trample | 1 |
Mending | 1 |
Provocation | 3 |
Boulder | 5 |
Enhanced Boulder | 1 |
Savage Boulder | 1 |
Crushing Earth | 2 |
Safeguard | 2 |
Stone Guard | 2 |
Petrify | 1 |
Prime Petrify | 1 |
Supreme Petrify | 1 |
Defensive Posture | 2 |
Earthen Might | 1 |
The above list gives you the general order to invest in Skills, but keep in mind that you should prioritize picking up new Skills over investing in passives, so pick up passives later if you can get new Skills when you level up.
Mual is our Basic Skill that we use for this Build, and it’s really a fail safe unless we cannot generate Spirit any other way, but you want to try to avoid using it when possible.
We can completely restore our Spirit from the Earthen Might Key Passive when we Lucky Hit using Earth Skills, and since all our Skills are considered Earth Skills this should be enough to keep you topped off depending on your Lucky Hit chance.
![Diablo 4 Werebear Druid Build - Maul](
We don’t use other Basic Skills for this Build because they will shift us out of Werebear form when using, and you cannot remain outside Werebear form for more than a couple seconds or you will deactivate the Provocation passive skill, and lose out on a free Overpower.
Pulverize is the bread and butter Skill for this Build, and when you use the Enhanced version it will Overpower automatically by default every 12 seconds that you remain above 80% of your Max HP. It’s important that you don’t drop below this amount or the timer to that 12 seconds will stop counting until you are above it once again, and it will start completely over.
This is why the Masochist Spirit Boon is important for this Build, as it heals you whenever you Critically Strike with Shapeshifting Skills. We do this all the time with this Diablo 4 Werebear Druid Build, so that will help keep your HP full, as will potions and the Earthen Bulwark skill.
![Diablo 4 Werebear Druid Build - Aspect of the Ursine Horror](
The Aspect of the Ursine Horror Legendary Aspect is needed to make this considered also an Earth Skill, so make sure that you have that. And you’ll also for sure want the Shockwave Legendary Aspect, preferably on a two-handed weapon to gain double the damage from it. This one Legendary Aspect makes this build so much stronger, so get it if you can.
Earthen Bulwark
Earthen Bulwark is our Barrier that protects us from damage, helping to keep our HP over that 80% mark when we get into tough trash pulls. It has a very very short duration, so I don’t recommend using it unless you have the Aspect of Mending Stone Legendary Aspect which increases this by 6 seconds, for a total of 9 seconds, and also adds more Barrier when you kill enemies with it up.
![Diablo 4 Werebear Druid Build - Aspect of the Mending Stone](
I like to take the Innate Earthen Bulwark version of this Skill that deals damage when it expires since it can Lucky Hit, which may refill Energy because of the Earthen Might Key Passive, and it also Slows enemies if you have the Quicksand Legendary Aspect.
Trample is an excellent skill for this Build, and it deals very high burst damage into a group of enemies or elites. It deals even more damage when you ram enemies into something, so try to do this when using it if you can.
![Diablo 4 Werebear Druid Build - Aspect of the Trampled Earth](
We use the Aspect of the Trampled Earth Legendary Aspect to add Landslide pillars to this Skill, as well as make it double as an Earth Skill so it can benefit from Obsidian Slam, Earthen Might and other effects that benefit Earth Skills like Crushing Earth or Stone Guard. Lead with this or Boulder when you have low Spirit to try to trigger Earth Might via a Lucky Hit, and refill your Spirit before using Pulverize, that way you don’t waste Overpowers on Maul.
A new addition to this Build is Boulder, which is also now considered both and Earth and Werebear Skill thanks to Vasily’s Prayer. It throws a Boulder in a line, costs no Spirit, and is great for Dungeons where enemies come at you from a narrow corridor.
It Critically Strikes a lot, and can deal a lot of damage if you have the Crashstone Legendary Aspect which boosts Earth Skill Critical Strike damage against Crowd Controlled enemies. And like Trample is a good way to deal damage when you have low Spirit, hopefully triggering Earthen Might with a Lucky Hit which might fill your Spirit back up. Try to lead with this or Trample when facing enemies unless you are already at max or close to max Spirit.
Petrify is our Ultimate Skill for this Build, and what I like about it is that it Stuns nearby enemies for 4 seconds, allowing you to deal extra damage to them if you have things that boost your damage against CCed enemies, like Aspect of Quicksand. It also increases your Critical Damage against enemies Stunned by this ability, being twice as long as twice as effective to Bosses, who cannot be Stunned.
Once you gain the Supreme Petrify upgrade you’ll also gain 25 Spirit back each Petrified enemy you kill, which helps you replenish your Spirit to full most of time, so this is great to use when you don’t have much Spirit left. Just make sure you have enough to actually kill stuff with or you’ll have wasted this Skill.
Equipment & Stats
In this section we’ll cover the Equipment you’ll use for the Diablo 4 Werebear Druid End Game Build, and what you should be on the lookout for. I’ve mentioned some of it before, but I’ll reiterate the important points here.
For Weapon you’ll want a two-handed Mace in order to get more Overpower damage. Two-Handed Maces always come with this bonus, so they are the best Weapon type for this Build.
Other bonuses you’ll want on your weapon are more Overpower Damage, Overpower Damage with Werebear Skills, Core Skill Damage, and Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies or Critical Damage.
Overpower Damage is self explanatory, as is Overpower Damage with Werebear Skills. Core Skill Damage will boost Pulverize even further, which is the main source of our damage. Damage to Crowd Controlled is great because you can apply CC often with this Build with the right Legendary Aspect, and Critical Damage is excellent because sometimes you trigger Earthen Might and get guaranteed Critical Hits for 5 seconds.
For Armor for this Diablo 4 Storm Druid End Game Build you want to focus on Damage Reduction and Maximum Life. Maximum life is great for this Build because it directly affects Overpower Damage.
Two Uniques that you’ll want for this Build I already mentioned are Vasily’s Prayer and Insatiable Fury. Vasily’s Prayer gives you Damage while Shapeshifted, Overpower Damage and Maximum Life, which are all good, on top of making all your Earth Skills also Werebear Skills, and making them Fortify you on use.
Insatiable Fury gives you Physical Damage, Overpower Damage, Damage Reduction while Fortified (which is constantly), and Total Armor while in Werebear Form, which is 100% of the time. These are on top of the +2 to Werebear Skills and perma-werebear form.
For Jewelry I like Lucky Hit, Overpower Damage, Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage, as well as just straight up Damage. Lucky Hit is important to trigger the Earthen Might passive more often, allowing you to fill up Spirit or Critical Hit constantly.
Legendary Aspects
- Aspect of the Ursine Horror
- Aspect of Mending Stone
- Quicksand Aspect
- Shockwave Aspect
- Crashstone Aspect
- Aspect of the Trampled Earth
- Ballistic Aspect
These all synergize nicely with this Build leading to devastating results!
Werebear Druid Paragon Points
When you hit 50 and unlock the Paragon System, youโll begin hunting for Glyphs to slot into your board, as well as picking up other bonuses as well. There are a few good choices of Glyphs for this Diablo 4 Werebear Druid End Game Build early on, and those are:
Spirit increases your Critical Strike Damage, as well as increases the damage you deal to enemies you Critically Strike, which synergizes nicely with this build.
Outmatch makes it so you deal increased Physical Damage to Non-Elites AND Bosses, which is not a bad bonus.
And, Fang and Claw increases your close range damage to enemies while in Werebear or Werewolf Form, but you tend to kill a lot at a distance.
Dominate further boosts your Overpower Damage, and makes enemies that have been Overpowered by you take more damage, but you cannot get the requirements for this one until you’ve ranked this Glyph up to 15.
You’ll select the Survival Instincts board, which provides you with increased damage when you have more Health than your target, which should be often. There are lots of other good passives on this board as well that increase your Werebear Damage.
Final Tips
Remember to use Trample and Boulder to start pulls of enemies when you have low Spirit since they cost none, and can trigger Earthen Might, instantly filling this resource for you. If you’re full on Spirit, lead with Pulverize for maximum damage.
Try to avoid using Maul at all costs, since it can eat the Overpower granted by Obsidian Slam, or the one granted by Provocation, and it’s your lowest damaging ability. Only use it when you absolutely have to, and use Pulverize, Trample or Boulder if able always first.
Use Elixirs to not only boost your damage, but to increase your XP gain. They are not hard to craft, and you should have a bunch of materials by this point of the game. They can make your Dungeon clear speed a bit better if you know the enemy type you will be facing. You might need to enter the dungeon first to see whatโs inside before using.
Remember to upgrade your gear at the Blacksmith and Jeweler in order to increase the effectiveness of your gear. The game slows down a lot at this point in terms of leveling so you can use a piece of gear much longer than you could on Tier II. This can help you out a lot!
Be sure to check out our Diablo 4 Wiki for any other questions you have about the game and the Builds page if you are looking for more Diablo IV Builds, as well as our Ultimate Beginner Guide and Best Class to Play Guide if you are looking for more Diablo 4 content!
3 responses to “Diablo 4 Werebear Druid Build – Overpower”
Any chance we can get an updated build with paragon boards and spirit boons
Very nice guide, but could you provide me with more information about the boons or the paragon board please?
Great guide but could you give me a bit more detail about the boons or paragon board? Seems like very limited information listed.
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